Filing a Refugee Claim

We provide support to individuals and families who would like to make a refugee claim or seek asylum in Canada.

Please note, our services are only for those who are already in Canada and like to make a claim.

If you have any questions or need any information:


Call: (204)202-6491 Extension 4

This project is funded by The Winnipeg Foundation.


(a) Except where specifically noted herein, our Services are not provided by a lawyer regulated by the Law Society. As a result, our communications with clients are not subject to solicitor-client privilege and we could be required to disclose to third parties such communications and any documents you provide in relation to our advice and assistance;
(b) We do not have professional liability insurance for services delivered by staff members although lawyers who provide legal advice or other legal services have mandatory professional liability insurance.
(c) There is no statutory complaint process in relation to services that we provide;
(d) The Law Society has not evaluated our competence, character and/or fitness to provide the services; and,
(e) As we are providing our services through the operation of the Law Society's regulatory sandbox pilot project, there is no guarantee of completion of your matter using this service delivery model.

For more information about the Law Society's regulatory sandbox visit: