Witnessing Documents Through Commissioner for Oaths

Documents requiring witnessing signatures can be witnessed by our Commissioner of Oaths.

To make an appointment:

Email: info@healthymuslimfamilies.ca

Call: (204)202-6491 Extension 3

Please look below to ensure you need a Commissioner of Oaths signature.


  1. What is a Commissioner for Oaths?
    • A Commissioner for Oaths is an individual who can administer oaths and take and receive affidavits, statutory declarations and affirmations within Manitoba only.
  2. What can a Commissioner for Oaths sign?
    • A Commissioner for Oaths can take or receive the oath or affirmation from a person who is signing an affidavit or statutory declaration. The documents must be Manitoba documents, staying in Manitoba.
    • A Commissioner for Oaths cannot certify or verify documents (they cannot make a photocopy of an original document and state that it is a true copy of the original).
    • A Commissioner for Oaths cannot witness Enduring Power of Attorney forms.