Youth Skills And Leadership

The Youth are our future. Youth programs are designed to help youth to develop resilience, leadership, self-esteem, confidence, empathy, advocacy, and volunteerism.
The Youth programs are held during Summer.

The HMF Youth programs help connect youth with each other to engage in activities that build leadership skills and give back to the community. The youth take charge of arranging activities, so it is a program by the youth and for the youth with supervision by the Youth coordinator. In the past, the Youth Club ran a Rights and Advocacy series of engaging workshops, which trained youth to deliver Rights workshops to other youth in the community. The training was held by Manitoba Association of Rights and Liberties (MARL) and the Advocacy Skills Series of workshops through a community project that HMF was a partner on.

Our youth are trained to deliver presentations to groups on different topics such as Power and Privilege, Racism, Islamophobia, Managing stress, Self-care and Wellbeing for teens.

The HMF Youth Club runs all year round with different activities like Basketball on weekends, making Ramadan care packages and delivering to newcomer families, Islamic Art classes, Civic education, Employment readiness, Career exploration days, and preparation for Summer jobs.
The youth from our program participate in the Annual Islamic Art Exhibition, the Ramadan and Eid Care packages, Anti-Racism initiatives, community reports, and Advocacy Training.

Our upcoming program is the Youth Anti-Racism Summit. Call For Proposals will be announced soon.

Contact us at, if you would like to arrange a presentation or workshop to be delivered.

The Youth Programs are run with financial support from Untied Way, Winnipeg Foundation and the Province of Manitoba.