5 tips to stay fit and healthy during isolation

COVID-19 has brought unprecedented measures to many people around the world, including massive loss of life, quarantined cities, lockdowns, loss of jobs and livelihoods, and heavy mental stress about the state of the world today. It can be difficult to maintain a sense of normalcy in life while in isolation, especially when the days and weeks seem to blend into one.

In an effort to help remind and encourage all of us to make small attempts at keeping our physical (and mental) well-being at a healthy state, here are a few tips on how to stay fit and healthy while in isolation:

Eat a balanced and varied diet.
There are no foods or supplements that can ‘boost’ our immune system and prevent or treat COVID-19. Nevertheless, eating a well-balanced diet, with plenty of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, plant and animal proteins and healthy fats is the best way to get all the essential nutrients we need for good health and normal immune function.

Keep hydrated
Keeping hydrated is essential for overall health. If you have access to safe tap water, this is the healthiest and cheapest drink. For a refreshing boost, you can add slices of lemon, cucumber, mint or berries.

Calm your mind by reciting the Holy Quran
When we say “healthy,” we also mean having a healthy, peaceful mind as well! Recitation of the Holy Quran is a form of mystical music that contributes to the release of endorphins by stimulating alpha brain waves. Therefore, it enhances the stress threshold, removes negative emotions, and creates a sense of relaxation.

Take breaks away from your phone, laptop, or technology.
Move more. Most smartwatches and fitness trackers have a feature that reminds you to move every hour if you’ve been still. Use it! Your mind needs to de-stress, and oftentimes your stress will be triggered by being online. Take breaks by reading a book, cooking, exercising, going outside, or doing a hobby that relaxes you.

Ensure You Are Still In Contact With Those Close To You
Being able to talk to and express your anxieties and fears to those you trust and love can help you understand the situation we are in during this pandemic. Self-isolating does not mean you have to mentally cut off all ties with those you are close to or society in general – in fact, it is now more important than ever that you are ensuring we stay united as family, friends, and community members.

While this is in no way an exhaustive list on how to stay fit and healthy during self-isolation, we hope that these small steps may help those struggling with their physical and mental state during these trying times. Remember, it’s okay to not feel okay every single day during these hard times, as long as you are still taking care of yourself at the end of the day.

Learn more about Healthy Muslim Families and how we can help support Muslims in the most positive ways possible by visiting our website: https://healthymuslimfamilies.ca/

We pray that we will all come out of this pandemic as stronger and better believers, Inshallah.